How to Write Job Application? | Class 12
Updated: Feb 1, 2022
Application for Job:
Applications for a job follow the format of a letter. These contain all the essential information of the applicant's candidature. It is important to attach a bio-data or a resume with the application so that all required information of the candidate can be considered for assessing him suitable for the job.
Points to Remember
• Job application has two parts- (a) covering letter
(b) Resume/Biodata
• Start body of the letter giving source of information about the job
(newspaper) day, date, advertisement number etc.
• Share your interest and competence level.
• Close the letter giving note that Bio-data / resume is enclosed.
• Write 10-12 points in Bio-Data
• Bio-data / Resume, Curriculum Vitae is integral part of the job
application. Bio-data should include :
2. Father's Name
3. Date of Birth/Age
4. Address
5. Hobbies
6. Language Known
7. Nationality
8. Educational Qualifications:
(a) Years, Marks and Subjects of the candidate, Name of
University etc.
9. Professional Qualifications
10. Experience
11. Salary Expected
12. Reference - At least 2 references
The Job Application- A Recap
The covering letter is best written in clear paragraphs.
The first paragraph deals with the reference to the advertisement for the job; stating clearly where the advertisement appeared (name of the newspaper/date of the issue of the newspaper) as well as the specific job being applied for.
In the second paragraph mention briefly your academic qualifications, work experience, current employment status.
End the covering letter by mentioning in the last paragraph your reasons for the applying the said organisations, enclosures, specifically the bio-data and favourable consideration of the application.
The bio-data should contain the following details :
Personal details [name, date of birth, address],
Academic qualifications, professional qualifications, work experience,
Additional information[any special skills, languages known, hobbies or special achievements, etc.]
References,[names, designations, address of people who can vouch for you e.g. Principal of your school, previous employer, etc.]
Marks are awarded for the format only if the contents of the letter are correct.
Use the new full block style aligning all parts of the letter to the left.
In this style no punctuation marks such as commas are used in the address in the format.
Do not use outdated expressions such as Respected Sir, Yours obediently, I beg to say.....,
Sample Example 1
Example : You are Sudha / Sudhir resident of A-7, Shanti Park. You read the following advertisements in a newspaper. Draft an application in response to the advertisement giving your detailed resume.
Wanted a young and experienced graduate with fluency in English and Hindi to work as receptionist at Customer Care booths of NCR Groups of Hotels, Delhi. Contact Manager along with your complete C.V. within 7 days of this advertisement.

Sample Example 2
You are Lalit/Laxmi, 21, Ravindra Marg, Delhi. Read the advertisement given below and write a letter to the advertiser, applying for the job. Also give your detailed resume, which you would send along with your letter of application for the job.
Solace Medical Equipments requires for its Chennai Unit
Manager Account
Qualification: chartered Accountant/M.Com
Experience: 10r 2 years for CA: 10 years for M. Com
Competency: Knowledge in finance management and related commercial activities
Salary commensurate with qualification and experience.
Apply to : Solace Medical Equipments, 10, Sector-4, Gurgaon-15

Sample of a Cover Letter No. 3

Questions for Practice
You are Apoorva/Ashmita, A-22 Industrial Colony, Delhi. Read the advertisement given below and write a letter to the advertiser applying for the job. Also give your detailed resume, which you would send along with your letter of application for the job. (AI CBSE 2007)
Soalce Medical Equipments requires for its Chennai Unit
Senior Executive Accounts
Qualification: M. Com
Experience: Minimum 5 years
Competency: Knowledge in accounting functions and related commercial activities
Salary commensurate with qualification and experience.
Apply to : Solace Medical Equipments, 10, sector-4, Gurgaon-15
2. You are Krishna / Krishan from F-9, Mayur Vihar, Delhi. You have come across an advertisement in a national daily for recruitment of Radio Jockey by Radio One, Noida. Apply in response to this advertisement giving your detailed bio-data.
3. You are Ritu / Ritva of 131, Jagriti Vihar, Gurgaon. You recently read about a post of chemist being advertised by Charak Research Ltd. Noida. You wish to apply for it. Apply with full details to the Managers of the Production Unit.
Reference: Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi