How to Write a Report?
A report is a short, sharp, concise write up which is written for a particular purpose and audience.
What is Report Writing?
A report is a brief account of an event that has already taken place. It helps in recording events of importance that occurs in our day to day life and attempts to present the first hand information of an incident or event. It presents a record of events that took place. A report on an event includes ideas, opinions and impressions on the event.
Mention the place, date, time and other relevant facts about the event.
Include information collected from people around or influenced by the event.
Write the name of the reporter. Provide a suitable title/heading.
Often written in past tense using passive voice to communicate information effectively. Reported speech and passive forms of expression add impact and force.
Develop ideas (causes, reasons, consequences, opinions) logically.
Report an event in the order in which it happened.
Write a report in 3 - 4 short paragraphs.
What should Each Paragraph include?
Para-1: Brief introduction of the event.
Para -2 and 3: Give details of incident like what/ how/ when/ where/ any special happening. Para -4: Concluding remarks regarding action taken or required.
Important Tips
Be brief, to the point and systematic.
Write in a less formal and more descriptive manner.
In case of School Magazine Reports, name of the school, date and place need not be written.
A boxed report gives a better and organised look but box is not mandatory.
Follow word limit.
Use Past Tense as Reports are written after the event is over. Use of Passive voice is also recommended.
Report an event in the order in which things have happened (Maintain sequence of events.)
Format :
(a) A bold heading/Title.
(b) Name of the reporter.
(c) Date of Report along with name of the place (city).
CBSE Marking Scheme
Report Format-Title, Writer’s Name- 1 mark
Content - What, Where, When, Chief Guest, participation details Other details about the event/incident- 2 Marks
Expression- coherence, relevance spellings, grammatical accuracy } 2 marks.
Newspaper Report: Sample
Sample 1:
You are Shraddha of Gyan Bharti Residential School Shalimar Bagh, Delhi. Your school organised an inter-school science exhibition. Write a report to be published in a local daily.
Sample 2 Write a report to be published in your school magazine in 125 words on how Independence Day was celebrated in your school. You are Amita Puri of class XI, Modern School, Chanakyapuri.
Exercise for Practice
Q1. You are Aakriti/Pranay Sood. As a responsible citizen, you organized a campaign on ‘Say No To Child Labour’ in your locality in which many residents of all age groups particular. Write a report of the campaign in 125 words for publication in a magazine.
Q2. Sanskriti School, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi recently organized a Symposium on the acute water shortage and the need to conserve water as. Its aim was to create awareness about water conservation. As secretary of the eco- club of the school, prepare a report on the proceedings of the Symposium, to be published in the school magazine.
Q3. To improve proficiency in spoken English, the Principal of Kendriya. Vidyalaya No. 3, Delhi Cantt organized a workshop in which professionals and experts from the British School of Languages effectively taught spoken English through computer presentations and other aids during the summer vacations .The workshop proved very beneficial to the participants. As one of the participants, write a report to be published in the school magazine.
Q4. As you were driving back home from work you were witness to an accident between a Maruti car and a truck. The driver of the car was seriously injured. There was confusion and chaos prevailing on the road. Describe the scene in about 100-125 words. You are Sanjay/Sonika.
Q5. Recently thousands of people lost their lives in earthquakes in China. Earthquakes have caused disaster in India also. Keeping in view the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, your school arranged a talk on ‘Disaster Management’. Indentifying the areas of your state most prone to earthquakes, the speaker explained the precautionary measures to be taken by (the public and Government in case of emergency. As a student write a report of the event in 100-125 words for your school magazine.
Q6. You are Ravi/Rani, secretary Yuva Club of your school. Your school celebrated a ‘Yuva-week’ by organising a cultural programme in your school, in which many students and teachers took active part. Write a report of the programme for your school magazine, in 100-125 words.
Q7. Recently the Chief Minister of Delhi inaugurated the “Clean Yamuna Campaign”. In which about 250 schools participated. You were shocked to see the miserable condition of the River Yamuna, which reflected a dirty drain of a small town. Write a report in about 125 words about the campaign, for publication in the newspaper. You are Vipul/ Meenakshi, a staff corespondent of Rashtriya Sahara.
Q8. A group of 40 students of Sarvodya School, Pitam Pura, Delhi was selected for an adventure camp to Nainital where the students were given training in mountaineering boating and rafting. It was a seven day adventure camp in Summer Vacation. You were one of students who participated in the camp. Write a report of the camp relating your experiences at the camp.